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Hey loves, welcome back to the page. I haven't updated like I said I would and i do apologize. As long as you got up and do it ,it's alright. Today I want to talk about pain. It's been surrounding me lately n one I love so here we are. When you're in pain it can be multiple reason why you are in pain. Mentally, physically and spiritually. It can be from losing a loved one, someone hurting you an accident or etc. We all feel pain and that is ok shows we still have feeling. Yea it doesn't feel good. I know but take it one day at a time and try to look at the positive things in life . Saying it and hearing it I know its annoying because when we are in pain or hurting we sometimes sit in it and don't want to hear hey its going to be alright. We just want to feel the pain or just get rid of it all together but certain times you can't. IT'S OK NOT TO BE OK, ONCE AGAIN IT IS OK NOT TO BE OK!! When dealing with a lot of pain we seem to go numb sometimes. Speak to God through the pain you're going through.Honestly pouring out is a good thing especially to the creator. Believe it or not its been happening more lately lol. and sometimes you are so hurt all you can do is cry but that is ok because that is a language as well that only God can understand. its a little funny because your crying and doing hand gestures while crying because its all you can do but he gets it but others you'd have to speak or they will comfort you which is good as well.I am not a perfect person I have my flaws . Most time i try to avoid pain I use to distance myself from most people. Do i still do it not as much a because i have my person i talk to about it but what if your person is hurting? It gets confusing and you start to hurt because you love them and care for them and some how you are connected and kind of feel them and their pain and you just want them better. At the end you do get stronger or if its a lost of someone you do lose a piece of yourself at times but they are always with you. Don't forget what they wanted for you and the love they had for you. As well as others who are still with you have love for you and love and care for you. I love you guys be safe ~ CreatingANewLegacy


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